Let’s start by asking a question: why does executing a strategy often fail? MIT made a study to find out why. They asked the CEO to name their companies’ three most important strategic initiatives, and when they went out into the organizations on different levels asking the same question looking for the same answers.
What MIT found out was that already on the executive level only 51% of asked colleagues could give the same answers. While going down in the organization this problem amplifies, and on the employee-level only 13% could give the same answer as the CEO.
Why is this a problem? While the executives not being aligned is a problem, the majority of employees don’t even know what to focus on, it will be impossible for them to execute on your strategy.
The remedy of this problem is to implement Strategy Acceleration within your company. This means that you clear up what’s the most important goals for your organization, define what needs to be done to get there, and align your co-workers to get there together.
This is where the Howwe® way of working comes into play.
Howwe Technologies AB (publ) stands at the forefront of SaaS innovation as the creators
of Howwe, the Solution for Growth.
With our method and software, we simplify the
execution of strategy. Empowering businesses globally, we’re committed to redefining
strategy execution and driving sustainable financial growth.
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Howwe Technologies
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